Recently I was trying to find a way to query the Acronis alerts API so that I could review errors quickly.

Previously these were being reviewed manually via the management dashboard.

I started out by reviewing some of the example code available on the Acronis github repos.

After reviewing the code I started writing my own script. This script will go through and find the following:

  1. Jobs that have failed with the ‘BackupFailed’ type.
  2. Jobs that have failed with the ‘BackupDidNotStart’ type.
  3. Offline agents.

After it returns those machines it will create two csv files in the C:\temp directory. This directory can be changed in the following variables:



For this code to work you will need to generate the clientID and clientSecret via the Acronis console.

You can find an example of the code below and on GitHub.

$clientId = "(REPLACE ME)"
$clientSecret = "(REPLACE ME)"

# Manually construct Basic Authentication Header
$pair = "${clientId}:${clientSecret}"
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair)
$base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
$basicAuthValue = "Basic $base64"
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = $basicAuthValue }
# Use param to tell type of credentials we request
$postParams = @{ grant_type = "client_credentials" }

# Add the request content type to the headers
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

$token = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "" -Headers $headers -Body $postParams

#Specifies what the header array can hold, in this case string and string.
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
#Adds auth info to header variable.
$bearerVal = $token.access_token
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $bearerVal")
$baseuri = ""
$endpoint = "api/alert_manager/v1/alerts"
$fullurl = $baseuri+$endpoint
#Sends a GET request to the Acronis API.
$response = Invoke-RestMethod $fullurl -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers

#Takes the items property from the JSON response. 
$retdata = ($response).items

# Creates new CSV files so that alerts can be appended to them.
# There are two seperate CSV files at this time, one for the Failures and one for the offline machines.
# CSV files are stored in the temp folder at this time. 
$outfileFailed = "C:\temp\alertsFailed.csv"
$newcsvFailed = {} | Select "resourcename","planname","errortext", "errormessagereason", "alertreceived" | Export-Csv $outfileFailed
$csvfileFailed = Import-CSV $outfileFailed

$outfileOffline = "C:\temp\alertsOfflineMachine.csv"
$newcsvOffline = {} | Select "resourcename","dayspassed" | Export-Csv $outfileOffline
$csvfileOffline = Import-CSV $outfileOffline

ForEach($id in $retdata){
    if($id.type -like "BackupFailed"){
        $resourceName = $id.details.resourceName
        $planName = $id.details.planName
        $errorText = $id.details.error.text
        $errorMessageReason = $id.details.errorMessage.reason
        $alertRec = $id.createdAt
        $alertUp = $id.updatedAt
        Write-Output "Name: $resourceName"
        Write-Output "Plan: $planName"
        Write-Output "Error: $errorText"
        Write-Output "Error Reason: $errorMessageReason"
        Write-Output "Alert Received: $alertRec"
        Write-Output "Alert Last Updated: $alertUp"
        $csvfileFailed.resourcename = $resourceName
        $csvfileFailed.planname = $planName
        $csvfileFailed.errortext = $errorText
        $csvfileFailed.errorMessageReason = $errorMessageReason
        $csvfileFailed.alertreceived = $alertRec
        $csvfileFailed | Export-Csv $outfileFailed -Append

    if($id.type -like "BackupDidNotStart"){
        $resourceName = $id.details.resourceName
        Write-Output "Name: $resourceName"
        Write-Output "Error: Backup did not start."
        $csvfileFailed.resourcename = $resourceName
        $csvfileFailed.planname = $null
        $csvfileFailed.errortext = "Backup did not start"
        $csvfileFailed.errorMessageReason = $null
        $csvfileFailed.alertreceived = $alertRec
        $csvfileFailed | Export-Csv $outfileFailed -Append
    if($id.type -like "MachineOffline*"){
        $resourceName = $id.details.resourceName
        $alertRec = $id.createdAt
        $alertUp = $id.updatedAt
        $daysPassed = $id.details.daysPassed
        Write-Output "Name: $resourceName"
        Write-Output "Days Since Last Check-In: $daysPassed"
        Write-Output "Alert Received: $alertRec"
        Write-Output "Alert Last Updated: $alertUp"
        $csvfileOffline.resourcename = $resourceName
        $csvfileOffline.dayspassed = $daysPassed
        $csvfileOffline | Export-Csv $outfileOffline -Append